Media Center
Here in our news section, you’ll find stories and the latest updates about how our work is helping to improve society. The attention these articles draw is one of the best resources we have for recruiting the public to our cause. Take a look at our featured pieces below and let us know what you think about our efforts.
NursesEverywhere’s first project was to listen to the public and obtain their views about nurses and access to nursing care with a specific focus on their care during the COVID-19 emergency.

Americans Need Nurses and Demand More Access, Not Less.
Physician Groups Say No.

The Pulse - Nurses Taking Charge on NPR

The current health crisis is revealing what so many have long known and advocated: nursing and the public's health are positively linked and interdependent. This article from The Hill highlights the unique capabilities of nurses as expert life savers, communicators, connectors, curers, and carers, and calls for the public's support of nurses. Nurses Everywhere could not agree more.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is defending his decision to reopen schools next month, following concerns from principals and teachers who say it’s too soon to be safe.

Students enter school with a variety of mental and physical health needs, and school nurses are on the front line of addressing them.

The Academy recognizes a small group of fellows as Living Legends in honor of their extraordinary contributions to the nursing profession, sustained over the course of their careers.